Patient Information Posters GP Investors in Carers Accreditation Northamptonshire Mind Northamptonshire Carers – Helpful Contacts Northamptonshire Carers – Young Carers Young Adult Carers Nature walks for Carers Patient Participation Group – Your Feedback Matters U3A Learn, Laugh, Live Tharpston and District Breathing Space Northamptonshire Are you prescribed inhalers? What is Social Prescribing? Social Prescribing Service Spring Social Prescribing in Northamptonshire 1 Spring Social Prescribing in Northamptonshire 2 Have you seen the Clinical Pharmacist? Who do I see Chart NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) 1 NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) 2 What are the benefits of exercise on physical health 5 aspects of physical & mental wellness you need to know Open your eyes to Breast Screening The NHS App Taking antibiotics when you don’t need them puts you and your family at risk Acting quickly can save lives from sepsis When Stroke Strikes, Act F.A.S.T. Chest pain Patient Sample Protocol Equality for all Check-in – How are you feeling? Five Ways to wellbeing D.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y NHS Zero Tolerance Policy Stop Smoking Pumped Up – Support Group Community Activity Group Walk & Talk Group – Northamptonshire Carers Northamptonshire Carers Cinema Group Library To You